help with my cherry tree and apple trees

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by tia, May 27, 2009.

  1. tia

    tia Member

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    hello! Im new here, and have a question about my cherry tree.
    I ordered a cherry tree out of a catalog about seven or eight years ago. it never grew much so I trans planted it to another spot in my yard 3 years ago. it was about a foot when first planted, now after all these years it is no taller than 2 and half foot and is funny looking. on top it has maybe seven thin new green branches and leaves on all branches. in other words it looks like a mop. that is the onley way I know to describe it . it is dwarf cherry, never bared any fruit at all. should I just give up and get rid of it or is there any hope for it I onley have one cherry tree I dont no much about fruit trees maybe I need a pollinator.

    About my apple trees one is a jonathan and I cant remember the other one its been to long but the jonathan has thorns and is probably 6 foot tall but has also never bared fruit. my other apple is about 7 foot tall spreads about 4 and half foot wide its a beautiful tree and has never bared fruit. all three of these trees have never flowered either.

    Please help ,what am I doing wrong?
    and I forgot my location is wv
  2. epodworny

    epodworny Member

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    Agassiz, B.C. Canada
    I bought a lapin cherry tree three years ago and its suppose to be a drawf. Its 16 ft now.
    Is WV west vancouver??
    If it is then I doubt very much that it is a polination problem.

  3. tia

    tia Member

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    no just wv

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