Hello my name is Sigurros and i need some advice about moving Grape vines. I live in Iceland and am getting some Grape vines from my friend and i need to know if i can cut of a part of the vine (that's to say can i cut a part of the root and the tree and plant it.) Will it harm his Grape vine if i cut a part of it away (with roots) i only want to get two vines to but on my balcony's but i dont want to harm his vines. As you can properly tell i don't know much about Grape vines so all help would be great :0)
Hi Sigurros: A grape vine cannot de "divided" like for instance rhubarb where you can force a shovel thru the root mass and plant the separated portion. You can however take cuttings (too late this year unless you have the skill and patience to try green cuttings) when the plant has gone dormant. This site explains the process: http://www.bunchgrapes.com/cuttings.html Ralph