Hi All, I am looking for some help in identifing this beautiful, much loved bush which suddenly appears to be in trouble. I am looking to find out what it is, and also, what the white things are crawling on it and presumably killing it. thanks in advance, Mike
Euonymus Scale. http://www.entomology.umn.edu/cues/Web/124EuonymusScale.pdf. • Chemical control Dormant oils are typically applied during February or March but may not be very effective against armored scales. Highly refined supreme, superior, or summer oils can be used on many trees and shrubs during the growing season. Read the product label for guidelines on plant sensitivity and temperature restriction before buying and using these products. • Systemic insecticides Imidacloprid (Bayer Advanced Garden Tree & Shrub Insect Control Concentrate) is applied as a drench around the root zone of infested plants. This water soluble insecticide is taken up by the roots and transported throughout the plant where it is ingested by sap feeding insects. This provides a means of scale control without reliance on sprays. However, it may need to be applied several weeks before crawlers are active for best results. HTH Chris