Hi All, I could really use some help identifing this plant (mini-tree). Pictures, hopfully attached. I have had it for over 10 years and no one seems to know what it is.??? Here are the things I do know about it: With new growth the branch will go from light green, prgressing through dark green to finally a gray-ish brown. All the leaves will fall off if the temp goes below 55 for more than a few days. when growth does comes back the entire brance with leaves come in at the same time. Branches do not grow back leaves. the entire baby-branch with baby-leaves come in. Loves full blast sun light - the picture I sent does not do this amazing little tree justice. In high summer it is truly a minature (looking) tree. Leaf pattern: off the trunk grow branches in twin sets from the twin set will grow another twin set and so on- Leafs grow in groups of three for the most part (but not always) If you can help but need more information please ask I would like to know what I have Thank you -
Hi Kingpapa I believe you have a china doll (Radermachera) here is a link to follow http://www.mediterraneangardensociety.org/plants/Radermachera.sinica.html or http://classes.hortla.wsu.edu/hort232/list4/radermachera.html