Hello, I'm new to this Forum & hope someone can help with a cactus problem! I have what I think is an Eurphorbia Atrispina (please correct me if I'm wrong, I did some research myself on the internet to identify it). I bought it from a nursery in March and up to about 2 weeks ago it was very healthy & vibrant. Now some of the columns are drooping and have gone black. I keep it in the living room where it does not get direct sun. I live in Greece and it's now about 37 degrees outside. I've been giving it a little water about once a week, but I'm a bit scared to overwater it. Apart from that, the new growth on the tips look very bright green & healthy. Please can anyone tell me why it's looking a bit sad? Does it need full sun? Should it go outside (it's very hot!) Does it need more water? Should I cut off the black columns? I've been reluctant to move it or water it more in case it gets worse. I really don't want it to die, it's my favourite cactus!
Hi, Kalaspera! Yes it needs full sun all day - it's definitely a cactus, and better than a little water every few days, give it a lot of water... but only monthly, and only every 2-3 months in winter.
Hi Mary Yes, you should remove black parts-they looks rotten. Your plant needs more light-put it outside in the light shade to avoid sun burns at first and than slowly move to full sun, in summer water well but let it dry completely between watering . Good luck! http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Euphorbiaceae/Euphorbia_atrispina.html