Help with bambino fiddle leaf fig

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ohmycat, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. ohmycat

    ohmycat New Member

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    I bought a bambino fiddle leaf fig a couple of months ago and have watered it weekly, wiped its leaves weekly, and showered it once a month per the instructions of the person I bought it from.

    The leaves are now turning spotty and yellow like fungus but they can’t be wiped off. There are no spider mites that I can see/am wiping off.

    I have tried using a vinegar/liquid detergent/water mixture to spritz on as the person I bought it from thought it may be powdery mildew but it’s been 3 weeks and nothing has changed. Can anyone help identify what’s wrong and how to help fix it?

    Thank you!

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    If I were to look at the photos alone without any description, I would have suspected an infestation of spider mites because of the speckled look of the leaves. Any sign of webbing even if it's just a few strands? Any sign of debris on the leaves that look somewhat like dust but somehow suspicious looking? You may see these before you see the spider mites. I would discontinue the detergent sprays as that may actually damage the leaves. Also, is there really a need for a weekly wipe? It seems to me a periodic trip to the shower on an as required basis is sufficient.
  3. ohmycat

    ohmycat New Member

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    Hi there, thanks for the reply. The yellow speckled spotty areas seem to be worse by the base of the leaves, but there are some leaves where they’re spread around the entire leaf. I don’t see any webbing or debris and I can’t wipe off the yellow speckled areas.

    The person I purchased it from said a weekly wipe would prevent spider mites? Do you have any recommendations of how to go about this if I discontinue the spray?

    Thank you!
  4. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    It would be best to refrain from treatment of any kind until the presence of a pest has been verified. Spider mites can be very difficult to see, even with a 10x loupe. You may be able to check for mites without a magnifying lens by placing a sheet of blank white paper under a leaf and giving the leaf a stiff tap to dislodge some. Look for tiny red specks. Treat with insecticidal soap if an infestation is verified. Alternatively, since this plant has large stiff leaves you may try to simply blast all plant surfaces with a somewhat forceful stream of water from a sprayer attached to a garden hose. Repeat this every few days for a period.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019

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