Hi, last year I planted a maple I purchased from a local nursery in full sun and it suffered leaf scorch. I removed all the damaged leaves which resulted in a second flush late in t he season which did not fall in winter, just froze in place. (Zone 5) I was encouraged to see new buds this spring but when they opened they. quickly curled up and died. (A very hot dry spring in Ontario) The trunk is green but no buds now. I have created some shade for the tree, cut back to live tissue and sealed the wounds and I keep it watered but no new growth. I don’t want to uproot an already stressed tree but don't know what else to do. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Jim
Good evening Jim and welcome to the maples forum, sadly I am hearing so many stories like this, this year. Maple trees are hardy but if they suffer stress two years in a row, then that often is the end of the road for it. Can I ask you to post a few photos of your Arakawa, if you are unsure how to do this I have added this link to explain how to do this. Attach photos and files This may help members give you a pointer on what is wrong. The one thing you did say in your posting was that you had a very dry Spring, so did you water it? A lack of water when leafing out will cause the problems you have described. You have given it some help now, so as long as it gets enough to drink, then it is a waiting game until the end of June. No feeds should be given as that will cause it more stress. But let's see some photos and hopefully a better diagnosis can be made. D
Thanks for you quick response. The first photo shows some black near the crotch of the branch but the rest of the tree is green. I wonder about root problems... I gave it water weekly through the dry times but I did sprinkle some fertilizer on it in April.
Certainly looks pretty grim, especially by this time of year. I'd probably say the whole black branch needs to be pruned off near the trunk ASAP if you're still hoping to salvage it. Could be verticillium?
As per @MapleZen recommendation, take that branch out with the black immediately. Once you have done this, look at a the white wood and see if there are any black markings. If there are then there is a good chance it is the dreaded Verticulum wilt. But if not then it maybe pseudomonas syringae which is treatable. You did right in giving it a drink during the dry period, but I never feed a sickly maple as it stresses it even more. Something to remember in the future!! I'm afraid it is going to be a waiting game for a few weeks, unless it is VW, then sadly it will not make it. D
Thanks, I dont think there is any black markings but I took pics and disinfected tools as a precaution. Fingers crossed.
Agreed Jim, that looks very good indeed. You are doing everything right IMO, even down to disinfecting your tools. So well done for that. So now for the gruelling wait.. there really is nothing else to do I'm afraid. My fingers are crossed for your Arakawa. D
Hi Jim, Doesn't sound like a happy scenario to me, either. Sorry. It usually takes around 6 wks for leaves to appear, though you may see buds before that if things are going well. I notice in the 4th picture, it seems to be planted below the soil line, so runoff may be going into the area around the tree. If the roots are too wet, it will not backbud. When I have a tree that has wilted or otherwise lost foliage I stop watering; the tree has no leaves to support so moisture needs are minimal. I would disagree with the paste. But I don't know it has made any real difference. Same thing for defoliating last year, which may have stressed the tree further, but that's no help now I guess! I do think 'Arakawa' can be grown in full sun, though it can take a bit to establish it. Good luck, -E