Help with a tree ID, please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Furface, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Furface

    Furface Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Hello Everyone,
    I just moved in to this house last Oct.
    Could anyone help me identify this tree.

    It's growing right beside a weeping tree of some kind
    (I don't know yet what that is either).
    It has been cut off right above ground level leaving only a stump.
    This spring it was growing shoots from the stump so,
    to protect the weeper, I cut the shoots off at the stump.
    This would have been the 1st or 2nd week of June.

    It's now Sept 3 & the shoots came back & have grown with incredible speed in 10 or 11 weeks.

    The shoots are 7 ft/213cm tall.

    The leaves alternate singley on the shoots.
    The leaf measures 11 in/28cm long by 8 in/20cm wide.

    The top of the leaf feels slightly rough, bottom is smooth.

    The under side of the leaf is pretty much the same color as the top.

    It is growing under & through the weeper which,
    is under a massive silver maple so,
    it's pretty shaded.

    The silver maple has a very similar leaf shape but,
    those leaves are only half the size, smooth on both sides, & lighter on the under side.

    I looked all through the pictures on the Acer section & couldn't find a really good match but, maybe I missed it.

    Thanks in advance

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    White mulberry rootstock sprouts coming from beneath weeping white mulberry cultivar. Prune them off at point of origin, leaving weeping mulberry intact.
  3. Furface

    Furface Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Thank you very much Ron B.
    I guess that's why I couldn't find a match in the Acer section. LOL

    I googled the white mulberry & my tree looks just like them.
    The berries that I had not thought to mention
    (because I would not have dreamed it was the same plant)
    are also in perfect agreement with the white mulberry pages.

    I learned something new today.

    Well thanks again

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