I have a mature Dogwood that has been here for at least 11 years (the amount of time we have been in the house) that has been healthy as long as we've been here. This past spring, it started to come out and stopped. It got to the point where there were buds on the tree and then stopped. A branch broke off early on and I don't know it that caused it to go into distress. (I am truly a novice at trees). We have had ample rain this spring so it should have enough moisture. Now it seems the buds that were on the tree have dried. I'm not sure if I have lost the tree or will it come back. Any idea?? I'm open to anything.
No sign of life. My wife is pressing me to cut it down as it is an eyesore in the fron yard. I guess I was holding out some hope, but I don't think there is any.
So sorry to hear that. You can try GENTLY scraping the bark on some branches to see if there is any green just under the bark. No green, no life. Newt