i have done a little digging around in my lemon trees soil and i came across some small but looked like normal earthworms, but i also found some really thin and small white almost see threw worms. they are less than 1mm across and about 5mm long. i hope these are harmless if not what do i do to get rid of them. just as i got some aphids under controll this happens, i have looked around on google and cant find what the worms could be and if they are dangerous to my plant and if so how to stop them. any advice would be apreaciated as im worryed about my lemon tree. thanks.
i read a little about nematodes, are they not so small that you cant see them with your naked eye? and kotasek i will try and take some photos and find out how to upload them, dont kow how well they will come out as i dont have a good camera. thanks for the quick replys :)
I hope these are not they, http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://woodypests.cas.psu.edu/Insects/BlackVineWeevil/Black_Vine_Weevil_larva.jpg&imgrefurl=http://woodypests.cas.psu.edu/factsheets/InsectFactSheets/html/Black_Vine_Weevil.html&h=327&w=400&sz=16&tbnid=rLB39PUMLyAAaM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvine%2Bweevil&usg=__nvU2PUHjF7pXH6arZ0r-K9H0_4U=&ei=X9NWS6XzG5a6jAexyonUBA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=4&ct=image&ved=0CBoQ9QEwAw
im prity sure it isent them as they seem to be alot wider compaired to the worms i have in the soil. ill try and learn how to upload a photo onto this forum, and also learn how to use this camera (its a hand me down and havent used it yet)
this is the little worm i was on about its very small and my camera dident want to take a pic of it that close so i used my phone. its hanging of the edge of the knife blade. this pic is of a little mite like bug i also found, its hard to see around all the dirt but its the one that is in the center of the lower 2/3 of the page if that helps. i hope these worms and the little mite thing are not going to harm my plant and if they will what should i do. i dont really have the opction to repot till easter as im in university halls and there is no ware to repot.
Hi, Is the camera digital? If so go to 'go advanced' mode bottom of the normal writing box where you just wrote. Once there click ' manage attachments' then UBC will search for your image. Tip: So you know where exactly your image is save it to desktop..easier to find. You can make a new folder even and save it in that on the desktop. Before trying make sure the camra has a USB cable which attaches one end to camera, the other in a usb slot at the back of the machine.
I already made the post about how to upload but its ok it will come in useful. Obviously a grub but what I have no idea, soz. Someone will know so don't worry.
ok thanks for the help katalina its much apreaciated :) i just hope someone can tell me what to do, or even better that they are not a problem at all.
dose no one elce know what these worms are? or even if you dont know what they are what opctions do i have in ways of getting rid of them, as even if they are not bad i dont really like bugs in my room... hope someone can help, as the only opction i can c if washing the roots clean of the soil and repotting it, but doing this will be hard as i am in university halls. if this is the only option i will have to do it i gues. thanks.
oh thanks alot :) that sounds right with the little worms and the very small mite like bugs. seems like there is no imediate threat and that they can be chemicaly riden of (prefect) i would like some backing that the chemical menctioned will be ok for a lemon tree as they can be abit tempermental. thanks alot tho its much apreaciated :) so now, who knows if these chemicals will be ok for my citrus tree :)? just did a quick look up about these chemical and its seems to be £17 :O going to set me back quite a large amount but if its nessary i gues i will have to get it... ok it dosent seem to be there after looking abit more, i have never seen any of the flys and the worms still dont look right compaired to the ones i have seen. this seems to be one big mystery....