My husband had a gift plant basket sent to me over a year ago for my birthday, I have it on by desk at work...I've been told it is in the Kalanchoe family but I haven't seen a single picture that even comes close to resembling my plant. I feel it needs more pruning than I have been doing and I don't want to destroy the flower process it is going through unless I know for certain what I am doing is correct. Does anyone know what this plant is?
It is a very bushy Kalanchoe. I would wait until it is done flowering, then cut it way back, then root the stemmed cuttings either in the same pot or in a new one to make a new plant. If you do decide to root it, make sure you let the cut ends callous over before you water it. Just plant it in some dry soil, and wait a week or two before you give it any water. Then keep it slightly moist, but not wet.
Thank you for the help, Laticauda. This plant has been beautiful but strange...I have had it for well over a year and have never done more than deadhead the flowered branches and it has continued to bloom all year. My biggest concern is that I don't want to do something too drastic and loose this beautiful plant my husband gave me.