I have a weeping willow approx. 25-30fr tall. It has been planted for 6+ years. (It was here when I bought the house, possibly longer). It has been beautiful for the last 6 years. No change in temp, sunlight, same watering plan, etc... but this year we noticed that it just did not leaf out like previous years. There was virtually no new limb growth, lots of leaves falling off & branches falling off. This time of year it is usually full, green and having to be trimmed up... but instead it is thin, see through, with the only leaves left on the upper half to 1/4 of the top. 1 1/2 years ago, we had record rain fall, but really nothing different since then. We've been fairly dry this year, but we hand water regularly and the grass & other trees semms to be just fine. But the willow is dramatically different. What can we do? Is it croaking? If so, of what after this long and so suddenly? Thanks in advance! Help the willow!
(Weeping) willow trees need oodles of water and thrive best beside lakes ponds and rivers with 'tapable' ground water. Hand watering by itself will not do. I suspect, that a decrease of precipitation in your area over the last little while has led to depletion of ground water in your area. If this is just a temporary phenomenon, then the tree will probably recover next year, although there will be most likely a lot of dry branches left from this episode of water deprivation, which should be trimmed. Best, Olaf