Hello, I have been attempting to save the remains of a honey bee nest a neighbour smashed and threw on the sidewalk. I put them in a cardboard box with their intact eggs, which was working but now with the rain of the last couple of days, coupled with the fact that the same neighbour kicked the box over - I'm not sure what to do. Today it is sunny and I am afraid the bees with not survive a sauna bath in the box. Also I don't know it I can move the box to my patio where they will be safe? Will the bees who are away find it if I move it around the other side of my house?
You may want to contact http://www.bcfarmfresh.com/farm.asp?id=90. which is the Honey Bee Centre in Surrey. I should imagine that they would be open during the long weekend. Doesn't your neighbour know how important bees are? Good luck. Margaret
Thank you for the contact, Margaret. I learned a great deal about bees today!! No, he obviously doesn't, or doesn't want to. I even had a sign on the box saying "do not disturb - bees" and my boyfriend had chatted with him about it and told him I was attempting to save them. However, there is a silver lining!! I am a teacher and I have decided to teach a unit on bees this year with my class - I have learned so much myself through this experience, and I hope the students can learn and become bee advocates too! Thanks again! Shannon
Glad that the contact was useful. I am a retired teacher and it is lovely to see that children will be introduced to the importance of bees to the environment and also to see a teacher who will go the extra mile to share her excitement at learning new things. Does your school have a garden? On this site, in March of this year, a teacher from India whose name is Ramjee was interested in twinning his school with others from around the world. If you are interested look under "gardening in schools" and the posts will come up. Best wishes. Margaret
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! My school does have a garden, which I hope to use this year and I will definately contact him! Best Shannon