Hi There, I was wondering if anyone can help me identify this type of plant. I have attached a picture of it. Thanks! AK
If the blossoms stay white it's "Frosty Morn". "Autumn Joy" supposedly starts out white then turns pink, then darker pink to red and finally the seed heads turn brownish/bronze. Not to sure about the early color changes, mine blooms dark pinkish red and stays that way....barb
Multiple cultivars of this type being grown. Flower color needs to be seen. Note: Autumn Joy translation of 'Herbstfreude', latter is true cultivar name. Use of Autumn Joy in its place in English speaking countries not correct: name of cultivar does not change with exporting of plant to countries outside place of origin, same as when a person goes on an overseas vacation.
Thanks Ron, That explains why no matter how I tried to find names for other colors in the books or google, everything came up "Autumn Joy". So, is it safe to say - no mater the color, all plants like this are basically, incorrectly labeled "Autumn Joy" here in the States? And should be labeled 'Herbstfreude'? (how in the h--- do you pronounce that erbsfruid?) (You are another person I have decided can NEVER die or at least until someone figures how to down load your vast knowledge to a computer.) ;))) barb