I just recently got hit with a severe case of what we all believe to be poison ivy. I have lived here for 6 years and have torn every inch of this yard apart but this year managed to get my hands on something. I needed powerful steroids and am on the road to recovery but it affected my face and every part of my body. I love to garden and enjoy my yard but now I am terrified! But there is so much work to be done. I have pictures to send. I live in Warwick, RI, USA Let me know if you can help me out Thanks Tami
How to Attach Images (I'm hoping these are images of possible plant offenders - the dermatitis caused by the plants won't help ID it) Could be quite a few things, though - poison ivy, hogweed (or other umbellifers) + sunlight, Euphorbia...
Can you tell what these are the first two are the same little prickly things on stem last one is some other plant
Unless you are allergic to either one no. They normally don't cause anything more than a mild itch. HTH Chris
Re: Something else to consider http://www.itg.be/itg/DistanceLearning/LectureNotesVandenEndenE/imagehtml/ppages/CD_1093_009c.htm One thing you probably should consider is stinging caterpillars such as Puss Moth Caterpillar or Saddleback Caterpillar which can feed on trees including Hackberry. Regards Chris
This is the reaction I got. The doc is pretty sure that is was poison ivy ... I had a similar severe case when I was about 15. My dilemma is that I cannot seem to find where I came in contact with it in my garden ... and I know it was there because any previous activities did not put me around any foliage or gardening. The small blisters showed up everywhere. These pictures were pics of when it was NOT at its worst. I need to find this plant and get rid of it. It was pretty awful! Thanks for everyone's help so far
Ouch. Ok, here are a few possible culprits: [WIKI]hogweed[/WIKI] [WIKI]poison ivy[/WIKI] [WIKI]stinging nettle[/WIKI] [WIKI]spurge[/WIKI] (scroll down for photographs - look at the group named Esula) [WIKI]sumac[/WIKI] (a poison ivy relative - some people have a reaction to it) Failing you identifying any of these in your yard, my suggestion is to take a few wider-angle shots of your garden and post them on here - perhaps someone will spot something they know to cause such a reaction.
As already mentioned, that is definitely NOT poison ivy. My mother once got a very bad case by coming in contact w/ something that was from poison ivy -- wind-blown...never figured what it was, but it clearly came from poison ivy. So perhaps you experienced something along those lines? -J
Ah yes - were any of your neighbours burning leaf litter and did you get caught in the smoke? Encountering smoke from the burning of poison ivy can also cause irritation.