I grew this plant from a seed that was given to me as a gift. The seeds were bought at the Bio Dome in Montreal, I think the package said it was a nakedtree, but I haven't been able to find any info on it. It has never bloomed in the 6 years I've had it, it just keeps getting taller. Any ideas would be extremely appreciated. Thanks! Christine
It won't bloom until it's formed a small tree (6 to 8 feet); then it will drop all of its leaves and bloom on bare wood. Hence the name 'nakedtree.' When it does go, it'll look something like this or this.
Excellent! Thank you, with the Genus name I was able to figure out the species from some photos and it's a Erythrina lysistemon for sure. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with it when it hits over 6 ft as it's about 5 right now.
They're reasonably hardy - if you have a sheltered spot in your garden you can plant it out so long as you mulch it for the winter.