Hi, I bought 2 macrophylla hydrangeas last June at a garden center here in Ohio.The only information on the tag stated variegated macrophylla eryn.The garden center was changing ownership so had no other description of it.They have yet to bloom. I am in zone 5 about 10 miles south of Cleveland,so don't know if it will ever bloom. Does anyone know of this particular type and name of hydrangea and what it should look like?
It is probably Hydrangea m. variegata. (Mariesii) It will be a lacecap. I have found that mine flowers much less than the other types. It is really a foliage shrub. But when it does flower it is spectacular. Blue/white center in acid and pink/white center in lime soils.
Thank you so much. I have looked in a lot of books and magazines,plus online at hydrangea .com,and was giving up.Thanks again.