hello Everyone, I was told that someone would be able to help me out with this plant ID. It looks like a cactus, spiny, woody trunk/branches with green, large lush leathery leaves, they are turning yellow now. it had the remains of pinky/red flowers. its almost 2.5/3 feet tall. I bought this already yellowing plant from a second hand store. When i bought it, the soil was very very moist. Sadly, it sat for awhile in a low light home before it finally made it home to nice sunny, home (direct sun). I haven't watered it since i bought it thinking maybe it was over watered. I also feel as if it could use a bigger pot, but i dont want to repot it until it is a bit healthier. its getting worse and worse. i moved it out of direct sunlight. the yellow leaves are shriveled.
I ID'ed the plant. It is Crown of Thorns – Euphorbia milii. Not sure what i can do to get it back to healthy. Any advice?
Give it more water. Water when the surface is dry. They need more water than you'd think, since they look very cactuslike. They also like a lot of light. Hope that helps!