After looking over my grapefruit tree I noticed that it had a gouge taken out of the bottom of the trunk, I think the yard man must have hit it with the mower. It looks like it has started to heal itself so he must have done it during the summer when we were up north and I didn't notice it till now. Does anyone out there think it has a chance at survival??
If it happened during the summer, and is still alive today, it should be OK. Citrus are quite hardy trees. - Millet
Well my tree has now lost 3/4 of it's leaves and the remaining leaves are yellow. I decided to give it a drip as it has been very hot and dry here (Palmetto ) then I got busy and 28 hours later remembered the drip so it really got lots of water plus we had 3 hours of rain that was when I remembered the drip. I thought maybe it was getting too much sun but when we came down here in Nov. it seemed so healthy and I understand there was no rain to speak of and lot of sun and it looked so green and healthy. not sure if I will try and transplant or not, I think that maybe when Bill planted it he planted it too deep not sure if that could be the problem or not think I will go back to roses I can grow them real well. Millie