Please help, I have two trees in pots, 1 Nagami 3'8" tall and 1 Meiwa 3'2" tall. The trees are making new branches and leaves but the fruit is falling off. They make new flowers that loose their petals and leave a small fruit. The fruit stays on the plant but after a few weeks they fall off, this process then starts over with new flowers. I live in Dallas TX and the weather has been in the 100s for several weeks, I do water the plants every day. The leaves look good and dark green, and as I said above they are constantly making new growth in the form of branches and leaves. What am I doing wrong?
Very normal. Of all the small fruitlets that originally set on a citrus tree at bloom, kumquats included, only only 2-4 percent of that fruit remain until maturity. The other 96 percent fall from the tree. - Millet (1,261-)
Where did you get your kumquat plants? I live in Mckinney and cant find anywhere that sells them. Thanks Darryl
As you are in Texas, a citrus producing state, by law you will only be able to purchase citrus trees from suppliers that are with in the state of Texas. You can purchase Kumquats (plus other citrus varieties) from Acorn Springs Nursery in Kilgore Texas. - Millet (1,49-)
It took a long time to find a store that had Kumquat trees. I could not locate a single tree in the DFW area. I finally found a small nursery in Houston coming home from Louisiana that had some. I don't remember the name of the place but it was a small mom and pop type of nursery. I got a Meiwa and a Nagami. In addition to what Millet said about Texas being a citrus producing state you also have to be concerned about the Asian citrus psyllid. I am more than paranoid about it and keep a close eye on my trees.