I left my plant out and it started snowing. It looks like it is the end for him.I dont have a clue how to put life back in him .I need help ,I dont want to lose him from a bad mistake.
IT is a vine plant. The vines are dark green from all the snow water all the vines are laying together on oneside of the pot and it looks like its never gona dry. Is it possible to post a picture on this site?I can take one maybe you can tell me more. I know it was one of the prettiest plants i seen in a long time.Can you help.
Re: photo It's dead....tropical plants don't like to freeze, they turn to mush. It looks like it might have been a philodendron or pothos. Simon
Re: photo If it is dead is there anyway I can remove the dead vines and let the roots start a new one? They are still nice and green will they form new vines?
Re: photo It's worth a try? If the roots didn't freeze they may repsrout but your plant does not grow from a tuber or central rootstock, the roots come from the stems & if the stem completely dead the roots will be unable to grow a new stem. If there is a small sliver of stem still alive, it MAY regrow. Simon
Re: photo Cut away anything that is soft and dead. IF there is anything left, it MAY grow. I wouldn't get my hopes up to high if I were you.
Re: photo And keep the roots on the dry side - too much water while it is unable to use it, will lead to root rot.