Hi, I'm new to posting here. This plant started growing in my yard, and I was wondering if anyone could identify it for me. Thanks!
OK Guys, this is driving me nuts! It looks soooo familiar. I have been thru - "Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast", Pojar*Mackinnon; "North West Coastal Wildflowers", Visalli*Ditchburn*Lockwood; and "Roadside Wildflowers of the Northwest", Underhill. Those books? Because it looks like a young Fireweed * Epilobuim angustifolium It's windblown/bird carried and crops up every where. And, it is one of the first to come back after a fire so may be floating all over the place. Calf. had fires starting last Spring and to me it sounds logical. Come on guys! Wrong? Right?
Has the appearance of one of the common weedy annual fireweeds rather than the perennial E. angustifolium.
Fireweed is Fireweed or so I thought. I just copied the name given in Pojars. Didn't realize there were more. But, do you agree it does look like fireweed?