Hello all, I am writing to ask if anyone can help me identify my favourite plant that has just been brutally attacked by bugs and is no longer saveable. please help me because i want to get a new one but none of the garden centres here have it and i cant remember what it is called.
the leaf shape reminds of some of the kalanchoe varieties. could also be a peperomia, though - there is such a huge variety of types, i'm only familiar with a couple. if it's a mealy bug infestation (white fluff at the base of the leaves where they meet the stem) then that's treatable. very easily, too. q-tips dipped in rubbing alcohol and then touch it to the fluff. repeat again in 7-10 days.
It looks like the sort of plant that will root fairly easily if you nip off some of the least bugridden stem tips. If it's really unsaveable, you have nothing to lose by trying.
Hylotelephium (formerly Sedum) sieboldii 'Mediopicta' Note the leaves are in threes. Kalanchoe typically have leavse in pairs. Do not use the insecticide Malathion on it. Crassulaceae are damaged by it.