Hi again I have this page of leafs with no clue what most of them are, and goole has failed to tell me sooooooooo..... please tell me what they are ASAP PLEASE!!!!!!!!! even if its a wild guess: also the the leaf on the far left bottom corner dose not need to be identified THANX!!!! BTW COMMENT ASAP also if you can barely see a leaf just tell me! Click the photo to make it bigger! SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ONLY PLANT I NEED TO BE IDENTIFIED!
Re: Help!!!!!! Top right Sorbus common name Mountain Ash Bottom left Trifolium common name Clover Bottom right Syringa common name Lilac It could be much easier to identify if you removed the plastic.
Re: Help!!!!!! Could the top left possibly be one of the Rex begonia's? Agree w/ Sundrop remove the plastic. Would be easier to really see. barb
Re: Help!!!!!! Top right is a rowan Sorbus (not an ash). Larger photos (one for each leaf!), and include a 10cm ruler for scale, would also help a lot!
Re: Help!!!!!! sorry for this project I was protecting the leaves with the plastic, but thanx for commenting !!
Re: Help!!!!!! Michal, it is what Wikipedia says (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorbus): "Sorbus subgenus Sorbus (genus Sorbus s.s.), commonly known as the rowan (primarily in the UK) or mountain ash (in both North America and the UK)"
Re: Help!!!!!! This discussion already happened, please don't start it again: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=56021
Re: Help!!!!!! thats what it is, THANKS!!!!!!! BTW none of the leaves except the one in the corner are from trees as far as I know.
Okay I know what all the leaves are now except the clover like one, help please. but the clover like one at the bottom is NOT a clover
Re: Help!!!!!! Any one know what the clover like one is, here it some ground cover the leaves are about 7 cm along the bottom and around 5 cm on the sides. Hope this helps, also if it is just a guess comment any way! PLEASE thank you.
Re: Help!!!!!! Is this an ID assignment for a university botany course? If so, shame on you wiska! If not, my apologies....but what is up with that page of "leafs" without any explanation?
Re: Help!!!!!! no of course not, its me lacking leaf information about the leaves in my yard, and the page of leafs is just is for a school project
Re: Help!!!!!! Please add a pic of the "clover " leaf... without the plastic bag. The plastic makes it extremely hard to see. If it is in your back yard a pic of the whole plant would help.
Re: Help!!!!!! Okay here are the different photos of the "clover like plant that is NOT a clover". 1. Leaf Close up: 2. Full plant picture: 3. Area In garden picture (shaded): HOPE THIS HELPS! Please leave comment even if it is a guess.