G'day! Y'all probably hear this alot but hey, I'm new here! I'm sorry to say I have been neglecting my rasberry bushes. So I have had to put in alot of work recently. To my horror, when was taking out a stray, I clipped at the bottom and found a maggot-lookn'-thingy and mad it's home in my plant! *Gasps of shock and dismay* I clipped below it and showed it to my dad. Oh joy!.......he didn't know what it was either. It had burrowed it self inside the bottom of the plant near the ground and was eating it from the inside out. EWWWW!!! It's about a half inch long, yellowish on it's disgusting slimy body and red on the ends. Help!!! What is it and How on arda do I fix it? Help!~Lona