help on Michelia Alba

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by aznbreeze, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. aznbreeze

    aznbreeze Member

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    Tulsa, OK
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this board, but I need plant help nonetheless. I have a really great growing Michelia Alba in a pot. In OKlahoma, it's too cold in the winter to plant it outside, so I bring it inside the house. Normally, during the winter, it's obviously not as healthy as when it's outside in the sun. I fear this year, I might have damanged it slightly. Some edges of the branches have turned dark brown. I fear those branches might've died. Some new leaves are sprouting, but they look brown and a little soggy. There are only a few branches that are still green, but my tree is completely leafless. Is there something I can add to it that'll make it healthier??? It's such an expensive tree - I don't want to risk it dying!!
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
  3. mobyroach

    mobyroach Member

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    Montreal, Quebec Canada
    Hi Anzbreeze,

    Whatever you do, don't overwater your Michelia Alba. Drench the soil and let it dry thoroughly before watering it again. Never keep the soil constantly moist. Since your Alba is indoors, it isn't benefiting from the hot sun to dry out the soil quickly enough to prevent root rot. I fear that soggy soil may be suffocating and slowly rotting your Michelia's plant roots.

    Some great information on Michelia Alba care can be found here:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2006

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