Hi there, I just moved to a new house, and we've been told that we need to cut down this large tree, which we are fond of. However, we have no clue what it is, although a neighbour told us it is some kind of pepper or so.. Can anyone help us in knowing its kind? Thanks!
Not 100% sold on it being a match but perhaps a species of Pittosporum. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pittosporum+fruits&qpvt=pittosporum+fruits&FORM=IGRE
Not sure what it is, but I can't see any obvious reason why it needs cutting. Maybe the person who told you so is just looking for some work for his staff.
Hi again and thanks for both your replies! Indeed it appears to be the Pittosporum Undulatum, so a big thank you Ron B! Michael, you cant see it in the picture, but the place where it's planted is a higher ground. Due to that tree and the one next to it, the weight is so much that the wall righ behind them (you can see the top of the wall in the base of the tree) is falling to the other side. The other tree is some kind of conifer, and that one will most probably be cut down, but we really would like to keep this pittosporum tree, and after some googling about it, it appears that we can drastically trim it, and who knows, eventually we can transplant it to the lower ground of the terrain.. Don't quite know if its root system will be a massive problem to deal with though and if the tree will survive this... But we have no choice but to remove it somehow.. Thank you very much again!
Hi, I think that it will be very difficult to move this tree successfully - it is just too big. You should know as well that Pittosporum undulatum is considered invasive in Portugal and should be controlled ( see for details and the law: www.uc.pt/invasoras/files/25arvore-do-incenso.pdf ). It is a pity because it is an attractive tree and yours is such a fine specimen. boa sorte, Brian