I am in South Texas and have 3 palms. One of them is in trouble, can you advise me? The fronds on the one palm were brown so we trimmed them off.
It looks like there is a new frond emerging. As long as that one is healthy the tree might just recover on it's own. Were there any abnormal conditions that may have caused the browining, ie. cold spell or lack of water?
We did have several days of pretty cold weather this winter (a couple below freezing) and we've had mostly dry weather for several months. Unfortunately, I was neglectful in watering our yards regularly for several months, but all three palms were neglected in the same manner. Is there anything I can do to help my palm survive? I have been fertilizing it for the past three weeks with Miracle Gro and a generic pellet-type fertilizer. Thank you for your help!
Sounds like all you can really do is keep it well watered and hope these bloody fronts stop pushing through long enough to get some good sunlight. Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of some good weather, as today's just as nackered as yesterday...