This plant has not seemed healthy for a long time. If someone can identify it and advise me to the proper care of this plant I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Schefflera possibly with a Spider Mite infestation. HTH Chris
I agree, the the leaves don't right. Leaves look a little dull and blotchy. It could be due to lack of water maybe (root bound) like mentioned and need a little bit bigger pot. You might notice some very fine spider webbing around the leaves if your plant does has spidermites. Use a mild soapy water solution, or a little alcohol and water solution should take care of the mites if you have them. Spray everything, including under the leaves at least once a week for three weeks (cover soil) and keep checking to make sure you got rid of the problem. Any you miss will start the infestation over again. Keep all other plants away as they can get a spidermite infestation from it too! Good bright light and some sun, water when dry, or close to dry.