Have two plants that were given to me as gifts, any clue what they are....Im new at the whole live plants. Thanks!!
The first photo of your question looks as though it could possibly be a Begonia, but I am not exactly sure of what species it is.
yes, cyclamen for the first one - a very beautifully colored flower, too!! the second is a drac. as for it being janet craig, i'm not sure. probably is correct, though as they are usually have that really dark green color. and i believe janet craig is fragans, rather than deremensis. (i could be wrong on that though).
http://www.paghat.com/dracaena.html D. compacta is very short leaved variant of D. fragrans according to this site. Looks like Janet Craig may have to be reassigned as well. Regards Chris then again there's this... http://www.hortedu.com/hortpix/html/pc2053.htm
Yeah contrasting evidence on the net and not many scientific sites on this. I think I will stay out of the taxonomy on this one ; ) Ed