I have a Bonsai Tea Tree which I have had for two years without any problems, I repotted the tree last year. Just lately the leaves have gone pale green with black and shriveled, and most of them have fallen off. Also there are brown fury bits on the ends of the branches. I think I may have over-watered it. I have also sprayed the tree with fungal treatment incase this was the problem. Can someone please help me as I really dont want to lose my tree, I have scrapped the bark on the trunk and it was green underneath, but some of the branches do not look so good. I hope to hear from someone soon.
could the brown furry bits be mould? Have you been misting it? (if so, probably stop) Apart from that it does sound like over watering I think.
I have not sprayed my tree other than with anti fungal preparation, and I am sorry but I've Now cut off all the brown fury bits, but they were like cone shape and even if I scrapped them with my nail , they didnt come off at all. I figured the tree was better off without them. I have also taken all of the leaves off, as there were no good ones left.Hope I havent done the wrong thing!