This orchid came to our hospital as a "hospital-warming gift" when we first moved. It came packaged in a gift box with a bromiliade - with no drainage and was sopping wet. When I went to separate the two plants to their own homes, I noticed how wet the soil was, and the damage that the roots received seems irreperable. The roots were rotted off, and i trimmed most of the dying tissue. The plant actually had 1 single root left when i planted it in the bark mixture it seems to like. Since then, it has grown an additional leaf and two roots. The root in front is affected with brown spots and seems to be dying though. I don't know if this plant is past the point of help, but i have tried anything and am willing to listen to suggestions as this plant was a gorgeous specimen when it arrived. The blooms were breath-taking. Help me save this orchid!!! Thank you!
Your Phalaenopsis will need to be pampered, with warmth: average 23-25celsius during the day, and minimum of 18-20c. at night, place your brightest window filtered from the suns rays, or until the sun is too strong, then move to a bright and light filtered window for the summer... water when dry, and feed now with orchid fertilizer. It looks like it will make it... these are not the easiest orchids to maintain for more than 3 years....unless you do have a green thumb and the optimum growing location....I look forward to a picture of togata's 20 year old Phal.
If its already managed to grow two roots and a leaf after it arrived so wet I reckon it will recover just fine....and the pampering K Baron suggested certainly couldn't hurt!