I got a Dumb Cane last November for my birthday and it has done really well until about a week or two ago. It acts like its being over watered but I don't water that much. I know that they have a rep. for poor drainage and root rot, so I took it out of the pot and the roots where white and looked healthy, yet it still continues to get yellow leaves. How often a week should I water if I am over watering. Or does it need a different soil (I am using all purpouse right now) Thank you
have you checked it for spider mites..??.. webbing and little white bugs crawling around .. Dumbcanes are notorious for spider mites .. just give a mist with water and see if you can see the webbing .. if you do have mites then use a spidermite spray Marn
no mites or Mealybugs, It is dropping maybe 2 leaves a day I think it my be root rot, can I still save it if I seperate it and put it into better draining soil? or should I discard it ?
i would try and repot it and dont water it right away .. if you had the soil wet .. dont over water it .. wait till about the top inch to 2 inches of the soil dry out .. Marn
If your soil mix is mostly peat (potting soils tend to be) it can hold water at the roots for ages, and you need to add a lot of grit to the mix so it drains faster... use lots of perlite, and/or aquarium gravel. Also, don't let it sit in drain water in the saucer or it may wick back in and rot roots. Trying giving it more sun for longer hours as well. PS - if you want to look it up, try 'Dieffenbachia'.