Hi everyone! Hopefully someone can help me. I had to go out of town for a month and my best friend took care of my place while I was gone. She was so scared to kill all of my plants that she over loved them. I appreciate her efforts so much as she got me out of a bind but I got back and they were all living in huge puddles! lol! All my spring seedlings drowned (boo hoo, guess Im starting those again) and most of the rest were pretty much gone to. I brought some back to life but these 2 are having issues still.... any ideas?? Thanks!
Not sure about the Cyclamen, but the Croton should be OK. Just let it dry out before you water again. Ed
Thanks Ed, I will do! its funny because I have 2 crotons and one is fine...ish but this other one is just dropping leaves like crazy.
Don't worry, some of my crotons drop leaves for no apparent reason and bounce back and I'm in subtropical,,, Ed
the cyclamen will probably be fine...definitely let it dry out. it's probably going into it's dormancy anyway...the overwatering probably just spurred it on.
As with Ed, I wouldn't worry about the leaf-drop. My Crotons do it too, and I'm tropical. I think Joclyn's right, and it's going dormant on you.