20190219_130623.jpg - Click to see more photos My cactus has developed brown patches and generally seems to have wilted, especially in the middle. It was fine until I left it for roughly 1 1/2 months going abroad. Some potential cuases: I am located in the northern hemisphere. So maybe it was bit too chilly when I was gone(although it never goes below 13c or so in the room even when I am not here) It hasnt been watered for around 50 days. It hasn't received much sunlight (blinds were down) My three other cactus plants however were just fine hmm.. Please help
Do you have a photo? Very few cacti would fare badly from the described treatment, but diseases can infect them at any time. Brown spots is a bad sign.
@mandarin, instead of attaching photos (which we would prefer), @shoenberg3 put a link to one photo at the beginning of the first posting.
Thank you for the response. I would like to save that stem (it's a different species of cactus to whats next to it) if possible. Why do you suppose it's rotting? Not enough sun?
Well, on a second thought it could also be damage from extreme temperatures, but I don't see how that could have happened. As I am unable to handle the plant myself my best guess is disease. If it is a disease it it too late to do much, but you can always try cutting off all infected parts. If it would be something else you just have to wait and see. If you don't mind the damage you can try cutting off a small piece, preferably around an areole (since the vascular bundles lead to the areoles, and infections usually spread along them), and look for discolourations in the tissue beneath. By the way, I think the cactus is a slightly etioliated Myrtillocactus geometrizans.