Are you asking us to do your homework for you? What do we win? You do know those are rather easy to ID, don't you?
I know these plants are easy to most of you.that's why i ask you all. i'm just a student of secondary school, so these plants are not easy for me to identified. you can get nothing, except a sincere 'thank you' from me. Well, if you think i'd ask a stupid question..never mind.just ignore this post.. Anyway, thanks.
Dear cc1989! Next time you need a plant ID, you have to wright a thread like this: Hi, I'm a hobby-gardener, NOT A STUDENT... I'm mad about plants, my house, my garden and my everything is full of beautiful plants!!!! Really! But I unfortunately don't know the name of these amazing little green somethings... can you help me out please? 1. Are they also plants??? With very-very interesting scientific names?!? 2. My cat wants to eat these green foodplants... are they really catgrasses, or something else?! 3. etc. ... (Hmm, they will eat me, if I help you... :((( OK, for example 2. is a Torenia fournieri-Scrophulariaceae... BUT JUST BECAUSE I'M ALSO A VERY-VERY LAZY STUDENT!!! :)))
The giveaway was that he not only wanted the species name of the plant but also the family. How many amateur gardeners ask for the plant family? That's not something that will tell you anything about how to grow the plant. That is something a teacher would ask for. BTW, Torenia fournieri is no longer in the Scrophulariaceae but that's another story.
Thank you Lila for telling us the name of the Torenia.,Never come across it before.As with all these plant posted on here they are only easy if you already know them.Looked up more pictures on the internet, what a pretty flower.Would love to see a good close up on Botany Photo of the day. Hint,hint Daniel!!!
Joclyn, I do not deny that this is for a school project. But our teacher allows us to do this because even he himself do not know the names of these plants… He’s expert in zoology but not botany... Lila Pereszke, thanks for trying to help, and your advice… Constantgardener, yes, I’m a student who needs the help from the forum to identify some plants for my homework. But it seems like I’d find a wrong place… Sorry, Cereusly Steve… I’m not a ‘he’…
Well, CC, the first plant is Carnations or Pinks, from the family Caryophyllaceae, and scientifically named Dianthus caryophyllus. It's not the original species, though. It's a doubled, variegated cultivar. For number four, you should look up Alocasia. The family is Araceae, but I'm not sure of the species. There are at least several hundred Alocasia species, and this may also be a hybrid. Do you have a live example of plant five? It's part of the family Lamiaceae, and it might be mint or basil. If you have a live plant, the smell will tell you right away.
Don't give up cc1989. We all have to start somewhere. Good luck with you studies. 1. Looks like a Dianthus,common name pinks or carnation.In the family Caryophyllaceae.But not sure what you grow over there. Hope this helps.Luddite.
No, #4 is a Caladium not an Alocasia. Its a garden hybrid. A clue about #5 is that it is often used to roll sushi in. Its not basil but is closely related. Doubt any of you know what #3 is, yet alone the family.
Cereusly Steve- You have me very confused, earlier you said that they are "rather easy to id.", now you are saying you doubt that anybody will identify 3!! I certainly couldn't even guess.
Thank you so much,lorax. These plants are all planted in my house area...I know so little of my surrounding... Funny eh? The fifth plant is slightly purple and does not smell...My dad planted it but he also don't know what is that...Haha... Thanks again for willing to help.
This certainly helps...Thanks, Luddite@Machen. I hope they won't eat you... Lila Pereszke: (Hmm, they will eat me, if I help you... :((( OK, for example 2. is a Torenia fournieri-Scrophulariaceae... BUT JUST BECAUSE I'M ALSO A VERY-VERY LAZY STUDENT!!! :)))
Actually the leaves of #3 are not typical for species in its genus. #5 might be Hemigraphis alternata but it also looks like Perilla frutescens. Difficult to be sure of ID without flowers
i was referring to the rules of this forum. i am under the impression that students looking for id's for school projects was not allowed.
Yeah, but we're all big softies here. I actually recall getting eaten because I refused to help somebody.
Pfff... nooo, I don't want to eat Steve... he is a bit too prickly for me... :))) 3. is a Laurentia/Hippobroma longiflora
You must have looked really hard, Lila. Yeah, we really shouldn't be helping a student doing their homework. We are helping them cheat. Not a good thing at all. It doesn't even matter if its for the gym teacher. They should be doing their own work. Do you really believe the teacher doesn't already know the answers?