I recently added a new flower bed to my yard. While searching for plants, I came across this one at a local Walmart. It was not labeled, and of course, no one working there knew what it was. I bought it because it was unusual for this area. It has done remarkably well since being transplanted, but I would like more specifics, such as climate restrictions, approximate size expectations, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Surprised that Walmart would sell it, because of it's poisonous properties. But then I guess it's not the only poisonous plant sold over the counter. Here's a thread extolling the virtues of....
Probably a mistake, their supplier growing it as brugmansia (if a whole batch of them was sent out and yours wasn't a solitary specimen that popped up on its own in a pot intended for something else).
There are so many poisonous plants out there, I find it easier to teach my two year old to not eat them, than trying to get out everything toxic. I have an acreage full of daffodils, can you imagine trying to pull out five acres full??? My kids likes the daturas, and brugs, she thinks they're pretty, never tries to eat them.