Hello Everyone, Can someone help me identify this cultivar? I sometimes still have a terrible time with this on trees that I see out and about. What's the easiest way other than thumbing through books? Is there a comprehensive database to where searches and filtering could be done? I would have filtered this one by green, upright, and dissectum. Thanks, Stephen
The most common upright dissectum is A.p. 'Seiryu'. There is no way of knowing for sure, but considering that there aren't many upright dissectum, it is likely to be 'Seiryu'
Hmmm, my vote is for 'Seiryu' now that I am looking at the photos posted in this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=2141 My two 'Seiryu' I bought this past fall from one of the home improvement stores looks to be leafing out differently. Now I am going to wonder what they actually are...Oh well, this is part of the fun for me. I really like the branch structure of this tree. It really looked neat this winter when no leaves were on it. Up-lighting would be cool. Stephen
Another vote for 'Seiryu' here, everything seems right including the attractive shade of light green.
I like the habit for Seiryu, but I thought the leaf wasn't quite dissected enough. But of course that can change depending on age of the wood, nutrition etc. Another reason why definitive identification is tricky.