Identification: help me identify these plants

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by reenalee, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. reenalee

    reenalee Member

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    You all were so helpful before and i thank you so much. Here i have a few more plants that were in the dish garden and a new pic of the 7th plant from my post before.

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  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    # 3 is a Croton, #4 a dracaena dermensis "janet craig compacta", #1 may be a philodendron (erberescens perhaps?), its hard to tell with the fliped leaf and hand in the way.
  3. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    the pics are still too small.

    that 1st one (#7 previously), that's in the blue container, might be a philodendron.

    the one in the red container looks like it might be another variety of croton.

    the last one, in the yellow/light green container, could be a draceana.

    since the pics were reduced in size before being uploaded, it's hard to see the plants. you can upload the pics at full size and the site software will reduce them for including in the post...they're clickable to view at full size and, then, we can look at the pics and get a better view of the details of the plants.
  4. reenalee

    reenalee Member

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    i didnt actually reduce them i took them using my cell phone, but i can certainly use my dig cam to take some pictures.. its very important i find out what kinds they are as i have 2 2 yr olds who i need to protect, so if they are dangerous for them obviously i need to make arrangements i will post better pics in the morning
  5. reenalee

    reenalee Member

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    ok i have pics from my dig cam this time

    ok the first 3 pics are of the plant which i was told i had posted poor pictures of before, then i posted 3 others that i need names for ... you people are really amazing btw. and if anyone has any tips on how care for any of these beautiful plants.. i naturally have a blue-ish..brown thumb lol i have managed to kill my mothers day mums every year for the past 6 yrs lol

    is plant food ideal for any of these and if so how often, should i be spraying the leaves of any of them, im most worried about the Croton plant as the directions i found for that one said that it can be a very picky plant. i have a good environment for them, my kitchen is about 16x15 and has 10 windows in it very bright room for plants

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  6. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Re: ok i have pics from my dig cam this time

    Crotons are great plants. I really like their colorful foliage. They like to be warm, evenly moist, and enjoy bright light---sounds like yours will be OK. Just keep them good and thoroughly watered! If you delay, they will remind you by wilting dramatically and dropping leaves. Not good! I have mine outside right now where they get good full sunlight: as a matter of fact I just came in from filling up one of my birdbaths---had a little extra water left in the bucket, so I gave it to my crotons.

    Your photo #4 might be some kind of Dracaena---#6 looks like a Pothos.
  7. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    Re: ok i have pics from my dig cam this time

    #1,2,3 and 5 are crotons. 4 is draceana dermensis "janetcraig compacta", # 6 is a pothos.
  8. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Re: ok i have pics from my dig cam this time

    reenalee, Try Googling "dracaena compacta" for # 4. It's still pretty young to be sure but it may be what I call a Columnar Drac. If so It can get really tall (6' or so), but will stay only 6 - 10" wide.

    I was asked to ID one yrs. ago and went nuts looking for it. This one was one single stalk and TALL! I cut the top out of it and re-rooted it for her. Like most Dracs - when topped the cut off top will usually produce one or more new shoots. You won't have to worry about that for a while. Just a heads up if it is the Compacta. barb

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