hey ive had this cactus for almost 2 years now its about 3 feet tall. it had small tear shaped leaves between each pair of spines for a while they fell off and none have come back. it seems to be very very slow growing and id like to look into flowering it but i do not know what species it is
wonderful that it is from all i can tell. ive been searching madly for info on growing them if anyone has links to anything specifically on Euphorbia trigona thatd be great.
Hi..Sorry for my Very Late Reply--I'm 'new' !! Yes,,this is an "EUPHORBIA". The 'Leaves' that appear, then 'fall off' are typical. Observation suggests these 'Leaves' appear seasonally, during times of high humidity, and act to increase surface area, as a 'Dew Catcher', allowing for the maximum Moisture to be captured/condensed from the Air, and 'drip down' to the plants Root System, or be held for absorbtion (Euphorbs are typically NOT soil-rooted plants--see reference material). If yours 'sprouts' these 'leaves' then sheds them,,,NO HARM !! It's behaving as it would 'in the wild'. Regards, Oskar