I have this plant growing out of what I thought to be a pot full of dirt only. Well it is now over 6 feet tall and just a few weeks ago began getting yellow flowers on top. It does seem to like the Las Vegas heat as I had to bring it inside during the winter because it began to wilt in the cold, but when it gets over 100 degrees it seems to have a growth spurt. Sometimes up to 2 or 3 inches in one day! Any help is appreciated.
Nicotiana of some sort. Maybe N. glauca. http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=38821&highlight=NICOTIANA
Thank you all very much. We had several people here in Vegas take a look at it with no luck. Some mentioned it might be some sort of weed, but after it grew to over 6 feet we were not sure. Again, Thanks A Million