I have a indoor cactus that is over 13 years old and is 10 feet high. I would like help in identifying the cactus. I need to get rid of the catcus as it is too big. I would like to take some of the seedlings or cutting to start a new smaller cactus, before I get rid of the cactus, if someone can assist me in how to do this.
Euphorbia trigona/African milk tree Take up to 7" cuttings, let the ends dry, then plant is good draining soil. Don't keep the soil wet, or moist, let the soil dry between waterings. To stop the 'bleeding" of sap after cutting, you can blot the cut ends with a fairly damp paper towels towel.The white milky sap can irritate some people's skin, best to wear gloves and always protect eyes. Wash hands well after handling. The cuttings should root rather quickly..
How long does it take to allow the ends to dry? Do I cut anywhere to trim the plant down and/or do I have to take a cutting where one of the "arms" or new growth has branched out?
It depends on the size of the cuttings, it could be a few days, or a week or so for the ends to dry. You'll able to see when they are dry.... You can take either the smaller "arms" or side shoots that grow off a larger stem, OR, use a larger "section". For a larger section, if you look at your plant, you can see where one stem is "connected" to another with a smaller mid section in-between. That smaller mid section is what you would plant in the soil, just deep enough for it to stand up straight.
thanks, sorry a couple more questions, since you have all the answers. Can I take a cutting larger than 7" and if I decided to keep the plant, could I trim it right back? I guess that would mean cutting the tops off.