Could be Monstera deliciosa. If so, the fruit is edible, hence the common name fuit salad plant. Eat when flower pod has split and flesh falls away on fruit. Tastes okay but eat in moderation as the fruit is very high in fibre, over indulgence not recommended.
I wouldn't eat your is poisonous...Philodendron domesticum? Unless it is Monstera deliciosa...often sold as a Philodendron pertusum....hard to tell from your photo, sorry!
I second S.S 's Monstera deliciosa, as I couldn't find any Philodendron domesticum with the cut leaf on line in a very short search. There well could be such a cultivar out there that I didn't find. So as with all edible plants, fungi, I would be absolutely certain before I ate anything. That would mean in this case, taking a sample to your nearest nursery or school with knowledgeable people to get a firm ID. Harry
Yes it's not the easiest way to give a definite i.d on a plant via a photo on the internet. One would hope the staff at your local plant nursery or garden centre are confident enough to give a positive i.d.
it is a split leaf philodendron.. Monstera Deliciosa .. and i dont think you have to worry about it growing fruit were ya live .. that mainly happens in the more topical areas .. but give it more sunlight .. morning light is best and it will love ya for it .. i have leaves about a good foot across but not very tall .. Marion
We have one growing in ground at the Nursery where I work it's in full sun growing up the side of a water tank and spreading onto a shed. The plant is at least 3.5 metres (12 foot) tall and 5 (16 foot) or more wide and the leaves are about near 1 metre wide (3 foot). It grows quiet well in our region and I have seen some massive plants growing up trees, palms, houses, anything they can get a hold of.
Its a Monstera and you don't eat the plant you eat the rippen seed pod. And they don't kill you because I am still alive.
Thanks and glad to hear it is edible...I am interested to see if any local conservatory has a prized specimen for viewing?