Hi, this is growing in my backyard and I love it. I want to figure out how to root it too because it's coming from a neighbor. Does anyone know what kind of vine this is?
can you post pics of the leaves?? could be clematis virginiana (virgin's bower) rather than clematis terniflora (sweet autumn clematis).
Here are some leaves. It's really strong, I can't pull it out of the tree it suckered onto. BTW, do you know what kind of tree this is (photo below leaves)? It has fuzzy things on it and it seems to be common. I just moved into this house and the whole backyard is garden plants and flowers so expect me to be asking lots of questions.
definitely not c. virginiana. i don't think it's c. terniflora, though. leaves aren't quite right. there a few varieties that have similar white flowers and they all bloom about the same time (late summer to early fall).
There is no fragrance either unless that comes later? I can't smell any scent on the flower. They look like they should smell good but there is no fragrance. The leaves on the left are the vine and the right side are leaves from the tree it suckered onto.
Heres a pic of mine from a while back, just before it started to bloom. The seeds will be small and surrounded with fluffy white stuff, kind of like milk weed seed when the pods open. kinda : ) http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showpost.php?p=23389&postcount=2 Seed pic: http://www.penick.net/digging/images/2007_12_17 Seeds/Sweet Autumn clematis seeds 1.JPG
Yours doesn't look as wild as the one creeping from the neighbor! I read that they are difficult to maintain. Mine looks much more bushy than yours, is that coz of the age or sunlight? I think got a hint of fragrance yesterday, it smelled sweet. I also read that they are banned in 6 states in the USA because they are invasive, I hope it's ok to send seeds to Ontario Canada. I will send them if it's legal, I don't want to be banned from Canada! lol!