Help me ID this Colville River flower please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Dickie Byrd, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. Dickie Byrd

    Dickie Byrd Active Member

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    Fairbanks, Alaska
    Thanks to all who have been trying to help me identify these flowers from the Alaska North Slope. The success rate has been high, but not always successful. I am still working on identifying some of those very difficult ones and will post it here when I do find them.

    Now I need help with another Arctic North Slope flower. This one was a dozen air miles from the Arctic Ocean. I am sorry the leaves can not be seen. It was growning in a large patch of Alpine Willow that was only a few inches tall. If I tried to remove the Willow it was going to destroy the flower. This picture was taken on July 26, 2007. It was growing on flat tundra ground with shallow permafrost and a fine sandy soil. I have not benn able to even put it in a family so far.

    Dickie Byrd

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  2. tipularia

    tipularia Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northeast Texas USA
    Looks sort of like a Lactuca or Mulgedium
  3. Dickie Byrd

    Dickie Byrd Active Member

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    Fairbanks, Alaska
    I contacted the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and was referred to Carolyn Parker. I received a communication from Carolyn today, (Oct 31, 2008), and she identified this flower as Taraxacum (dandilion). She is not sure of the species. She says, quote: "Any of the native species you might find up there could be pale colored, tho T. phymatocarpum is often that pale. You need to look at the involucral bracts and seeds to be sure" unquote.

    Dickie Byrd

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