I bought several succulents from Walmart and most were missing their name tags. I sure could use some help finding out what they are. I think the 1st and 2nd ones are Aeonium of some kind. I found a pictures that kind of look like plant #3 and it was an Aeonium glutinosum. I also found pictures that kind of look like plant #4 and it was an Echeveria Topsy Turvy. I am just guessing the plant#5 is some kind of Echeveria. Help please.
What I believe they are: 1. Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty' (etoliated) 2. Echeveria pulvinata (etoliated & burnt-please move to bright partial shade-water soil, not leaves) 3. Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' 4. yes, Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy' 5. a type of x Pachyveria (cross between Pachyphytum & Echeveria)
Thankyou for the id and recommendations on their care. I will move Echeveria pulvinata to another location, and thankyou for the tip on watering. I have another question for you. Since winter is approaching, what do I need to do to protect my succulents from the cold at night. And what about watering in the winter?
How cold does it get where you are? I don't have any experience with temps at frost & below. We only have frost here maybe 2 times per year. As a general rule, only water when their soil is dry. In winter, they don't dry out as quickly as other times of year. If you expect it will get below freezing & are concerned about them, can you take them indoors for the duration & locate in a sunny window? Many variable come into play, so it's hard to say...if you get a lot of rain, if you keep them in a sheltered spot (near a building/fence, etc.), if they are in pots or in the ground...good luck!
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I am in Moreno Valley, California and the nights get pretty chilly. I think we even get frost warnings once in a while. (I'm not positive on this because I never paid much attention before.) But now I have all these new succulents to care for so now I need to pay more attention to the weather forecasts.