Help! Leaves turning black on rose bush and basil

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by anukapil, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. anukapil

    anukapil Member

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    Manama, Bagarain
    I am new to growing plants, especially indoors and need urgent help to save my rose bush and my basil herb. We live in the middle-east where right now the weather is hot and humid, but my plants are inside the house, which is centrally air-conditioned. The room temperature is around 24 to 25 degrees Celsius(75-77 Farenheit). My plants leaves are turning black and curly and eventually fall off. Even the new leaves are not spared. The rose bush is under a florescent light for the entire day plus it gets enough sunlight.(It was also infested with spider mites recently, which seems to have been cured now). I water the plant such that the soil in always moist. I also mist the plants with water from a spray bottle once in a day. I even sprayed Malathion(5ml in 1 litre water) but to no avail.Can you please help me save my plants. My basil has lost all its foliage! Pleas edo let m eknow if any more details are required.


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