help! leaf rot on phal

Discussion in 'Orchidaceae (orchids)' started by acphm, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. acphm

    acphm Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    I have a phal with 5 leaves that I purchased 5 months ago. It is about to reflower when I noticed the new leaf growing from the tip of the plant is starting to rot. The end of the leaf is yellowed and the base is black. The other leaves are still firm and green and I've checked the roots...they appear healthy either green or tan but firm. I want to cut off the dying leaf, but as it's the terminal leaf I'm afraid no more new leaves will grow and the plant might die. Please advise.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Too cold?
  3. terrestrial_man

    terrestrial_man Active Member 10 Years

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    California, USA
    Normally when I see that the top or crown of the plant is showing signs of rot, such as dark discoloration, it is already too late to save the plant!
    For a phally if there is water in the crown and the temps are cold and there is no air movement then rot is a good possibility.
    Really need an image to see what the plant looks like.
    While the rest of the plant may look good if it is rot and the crown is done in then the other leaves even if they look good will simply start to fall away from the dead stem.
    Try and put an image up and let us know how you have been growing the plant.
  4. acphm

    acphm Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    I was growing the phal in a mug, such that the bottom of the planter didn't reach the mug's bottom. I'd always make sure it didn't sit in water but that there was a bit of water in the mug to maintain humidity. It usually sat in a south facing window with my other phals. They're okay so the conditions must be adequate. Anyway, I can't show you a pic, 'cause I've already cut off the dying leaf in a last-ditch attempt to save the rest of the plant. That was yesterday. So far, no change.
  5. acphm

    acphm Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    It's been a year since my post and I thought I'd do a followup for anyone who's had a similar problem. Well, after I cut off the rotting terminal leaf I dusted the crown with sulphur powder. It remained in its window spot but I took in out of the mug and placed it on a saucer and watered as needed. After several months, without any of the other leaves dying, it started to grow a small leaf out of its crown. That new leaf was, and still is, about the size of a loonie, but subsequent new leaves have grown out of the crown and they are larger, about 5 inches long. Also, it is now in bloom and the flowers, albeit smaller and fewer than before, look healthy.
    May my success bring you success!

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