Hi- I have this stuff growing near my home. It has the characteristics of deadly Water Hemlock. Smooth stalks, seems to smell like carrots, etc. Hope these pics are adequate. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the reply. Stuff is growing along a fenceline that borders a private backyard and an alley, so half of it is on common ground, other is in this guys backyard. I'm out there collecting a sample and the guy yells out of his window "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?" I felt like telling him possibly saving his and maybe his families life.
It's apparently highly toxic if you eat it. So are paints, turpentine, gasoline, glues, and other common household substances. Even some common indoor plants such as philodendrons are not great on the dinner plate. It's a question of perspective. We rarely weed out cars, politicians, or cigarettes, although all of those kill millions of people every year. Often the best protection for kids is education and a healthy respect for nature.