I recently purchased 4 Royal Palms off ebay. All four are atleast 12" tall and all have 3 fronds. They were shipped in sphagum moss and they all look really good when they got to my door. I planted them in a mix of top soil and maybe 25% to 30% vermiculite. I placed them in my porch with no A/C and recieve 6 hours of filtered sunlight. The temps reach anywhere from 70 dgrs at night to 100+ dgrs in the evening. Just yesterday one frond on 3 palms started turning yellow and orange. Is this transplant shock or are they dying? Is the soil good? Usually I water every other day or every 3 days. When I come to water the soil is still a little moist but not way soggy. What is going on?!?!
It sounds like it could be shock, the heat would be a huge factor. Keep them a little cooler out of the direct sun and very slowly let them get more light, and heat. water regularly. LPN has great answers you should e-mail him, look him up on one of the other posts in the tropical forum. I'd link you, but I have no idea how to. He's a total palm guy.